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SensAqua A/S
Main Page


SensAqua is involved in the following types of projects:





Private and public institutions – surveillance of quality of municipal drinking water and effluents

It is a huge market potential in Europe Asia and the USA, UK and several other countries consider the importance of public access to environmental data, with the new possibilities to present heavy metal levels on-line on Internet.


Metal and metallurgical industry

Control of effluent water and process solutions are very important for the actual companies. Sens­Aqua AS offers tailored solutions for the actual industry.


Terminated industrial areas and mines

In particular when the production or a mining activity is terminated the problem with the leakage of heavy metals to nearby rivers and water systems can be serious as nobody feels the responsibility and environmental damage often appear. We can see this in the river system several places in Norway, USA, China and many other countries. The marked potential for automatic monitoring in such areas is high.


Solid waste and incineration plants

Leakage of heavy metals from deposits of solid waste can be monitored continuously. Similar is for incineration and destruction plants by controlling the solid as well as the smoke and the effluent water being used to purify the smoke.


Sea farming

I sea farming materials containing copper and other metals are used and monitoring of heavy metals in the water is important to obtain optimum production with a good and safe quality for the consumers. This is of particular importance when recirculated water is used.


Fundamental research and laboratory use

In fundamental research in biology, geosciences etc. where continuous monitoring is needed to follow seasonal variations. A market is also for use in laboratories, including educational purposes.


Remote Sensing in Aquatic Systems


SensAqua A/S
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, Chairman: Øyvind Mikkelsen, Updated: 04.03.2019

Copyright 2007 Webmaster: Marianne Sjøholtstrand